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How to Invest and earn big profit from HYIPs?

First, You need to have one Perfect Money account?

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How to Start Investing in HYIP?

1,You need to register an e-currency account : Perfect Money ; Payeer ; Bitcoin or Ethereum

2,Buy E-currency From Exchange company: Buy Perfect Money ; Fund Payeer ; Buy Bitcoin or Buy Ethereum

3,Choose a HYIP and Make Your Deposit, Then Waiting for your payment

4,Receive Your Interest and Reinvest or Sell e-currency: Sell Perfect Money ; Sell Payeer ; Sell Bitcoin or Sell Ethereum

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Account Balance
The balance of one's current account inside a program (HYIP or other). These funds can be used to withdraw or to invest into program's Investment Plans.

Account Number
The unique number of a personal member account.

Active Deposit
The amount of money that is actively engaged in the money-making program.

Affiliate Program
syn.: Referral Program
A money-making program where you earn money based on recruiting others into the program (Referring). Many companies usually pay for the refferals their users or members recruit a persent of the referrals' earnings or deposits.

The system payment feature which processes the withdrawals automatically when needed without request.

same as the Instant Withdrawal
The system payment feature which processes the withdrawals automatically when a member makes a request.

Some HYIP programs make money on differrent kinds of bets f.e. sports.

Funds the administrator adds for some reason to the member account differing from any planned earnings.

This is the concept that one earns interest on the interest he have already earned. At first, your money grows slowly, but as time passes, your money grows more rapidly. This is often considered the "eighth wonder of the world".
F.E.: You deposit $400 to the program with 5% interest and 25% compounding. When you receive you payment 25% will be added to your deposit and 75% you'll receive to your account. So you'll receive (5%*$400)*75%=$15 and your deposit will become $400+(5%*$400)*25%=$405

Compounding Deposit
A deposit with the compounding option used.

Compounding Percents
The percent of earning which is deposited back into the system.

Deposit, Deposit Amount
The funds deposited into the program.

Deposited Total
The total amount of money ever deposited into the program to date.

The concept of spreading the money among a number of different investments or investment programs in order to reduce risk. It's the idea that one shouldn't put all of your eggs in one basket.
Advice: Diversification is a good way to reduce your risk and exposure to the market. Every good portfolio should be diversified. The level of diversification is up to you, though.

The people one recruited (his referrals), plus the people they recruited, and so on.

Earned Total
The total amount of interest one's investments have ever earned inside the program.

Exponential Growth
Exponential growth is growth that accelerates, that is, the rate of growth increases over time. If you compound your interest from a HYIP, your income will grow exponentially.

Forex aka Foreign Exchange Market aka FX Market
Market for trading currencies internationally. The foreign exchange market, also referred to as the Forex and FX market, is a decentralized market that has no physical exchange floor. Trading is done over the counter, via phone, fax or electronic distribution networks. Turnover in this market is approximately $1.5 trillion USD daily, making it the largest, most liquid financial marketplace.

A High Yield Investment Program. These programs claim to invest in high risk, high yield opportunities. An HYIP can be both offline or online, and maybe be investing in a variety of markets. A large portion of online HYIP's are simply ponzi schemes that call themselves HYIPs. Usually every high yeild program goes with quite a risk, so it will be helpful to use divesification while investing in these programs.

Instant Withdrawal
same as the Auto-Withdrawal
The system payment feature which processes the withdrawals automatically when a member makes a request.

Interest Rate
The amount of money in percent that a borrower pays to borrow money (a HYIP pays to investors). For example, if a $100,000 investment has a 5% monthly interest rate, the program will have to pay $5,000 each month (or any specified period) until the program ends.
Advice: The goal for investors is to earn the highest interest rate possible without sacrificing any security.

Investment Package (for HYIP)
A set of similar Investment Plans grouped by some similar properties (payment ratio, compounding feature or other).

Investment Plan (for HYIP)
The investment proposal with a pre-defined interest rate, initial deposit range and other options. One program may have many additional plans grouped in investment packages.

Purchasing bonds that mature at various intervals. This provides the investor with greater regularity of income.
Advice: Bond laddering works by purchasing bonds with different maturities. For example, you might purchase 3 year, 5 year, and 10 year bonds. By doing this, you are giving yourself greater liquidity because your bonds will be maturing periodically. If you simply bought three 10-year bonds, you would have to wait 10 years to see any of your money returned to you.
Bond laddering is a good idea for anybody who needs liquidity and a greater certainty of receiving their money at periodic intervals.

Liquidity refers to the ability of people to get into and out of investments. A "liquid" stock is a stock with a lot of volume that is easy to buy and sell. A "liquid" investment is an investment which is easy to withdraw.
Advice: A liquid investment is one that you can buy and sell easily and quickly. An example of a liquid investment is a bank account. You can go to the bank and take your money out quickly and easily. An example of an illiquid investment would be real estate. If you want to sell your house, you have to put it on the market and could end up waiting over a year to get your money. Or an investment with a non-withdrawable principal.
Understanding how liquid you need to be is important. Obviously, if you're in college, you want to be liquid so you can make your tuition payments. If you're retired, you'll want to be liquid to pay your living expenses.

I's the length of time that you have to wait until you get your money back.
Advice: This is the date the borrower has to repay the lender the principal

Maximal Deposit Withdrawal Duration
A time period after which the program member cannot withdraw his deposit.

Minimal Deposit Withdrawal Duration
A time period after making the deposit during which the program member cannot withdraw his deposit.

MLM or Multi-Level marketing.
Money-making programs which require participants to market and sell things in order to make money, and the money earned is based not just on how much was sold, but also on how much was sold by the other participants you've recruited. MLM can also be an abbreviation for Marxism/Leninism/Maoism.

Payout Ratio
The percentage of earnings paid out in dividends. It is calculated by dividing amount of all dividends by amount of all earnings. Parent Package
Allow depositing to the package only after the user have deposited to the package marked as parent to the current one.

It is a sum of any currency which administrator removes from the user account and transfers into the system.

Ponzi Scheme
The term Ponzi is derived from the actions of a man names Charles K Ponzi. It is any program or claimed investment opportunity which relies on new investments to pay off the older ones. Those whom invest first are thus paid their returns from those who invest after them, leaving the last investors the ones who lose out. Many HYIPs who claim to be trading, investing, etc are really only running a ponzi scheme. Some have also compared the US Social Security system to a ponzi scheme.

All of your investments. If you own five stocks, a bond, and have bank CD's, those would be collectively referred to as your portfolio.
Advice: When you hear a person talking about their portfolio, they're just referring to all of their investments. If they say their portfolio is up 12%, it means the average return for all of their investments has been 12%.

The initial deposit one makes to the account. This excludes any compounded earnings added to the deposit.

Principal Withdrawal
Many programs do not allow to withdraw principal. It damages the liquidity but assures the program owners that the money deposited to their system will remain there for long.

The one you recruited to join the program or to make an investment (your referral). Many companies usually pay for the refferals their users or members recruit a persent of referrals' earnings or of a deposit. It is called a Referral Program.

Referral percent
A percent of an amount that someone's referral deposits into the system or a percent of his earnings which goes to the upline.

Referral Program
Same as the Affilate Program.

Return on Investment
A profit or loss from an investment.
Advice: An individual's return on investment is easy to calculate. If you invested $20 and earned $30, you would have a 50% return on your investment.

(used as a noun) a payment, deposit, transfer of funds.

The listings can pay for being sponsored?and thus to be listed at the top of the current section. But it doesnt influence the listings rating, payout or any other statistics. Neither it influences the listing being Normal, Trial or Premium. So please while choosing the HYIP site to invest pay greater attention to the money invested and earned statistics, sites design and the such.

Total Deposit
The total amount of money on all the active deposits inside the program .

Any single funds movement into, out of or within the system.

Transactions History
The history of all your transactions.

The people who recruited you, plus the people who recruited them, and so on.

The unique system username one is registered with in any program

Withdraw, to withdraw
To withdraw money means to call them off the HYIP or any other program.

The transaction when one transfers funds from any account in the HYIP or any other investment program to any account outside the program.

Withdrawn Total
The total amount one have ever withdrawn to date.

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