What is HD-Money?
What is HD-Money?
HD-Money is an online payment system that allows users to transfer to and receive funds from other HD-Money users. It an also be used to safely store funds.
What are the differences between the two HD-Money balances, HDM and HDM-R?
- Irrevocable payments
- Low 1% fee, max $2.99 per transaction
- To fund and Withdraw, you must use a third party exchanger
- Numerous funding and withdrawal options
- Credit card payments (coming soon!)
- 5% Transfer fee + $0.25
- Dispute Resolution Service
How can I fund my HD-Money account?
The traditional HDM Balance can be funded only through a third party exchanger, many of which can be found on our merchant's list. If you wish to fund your HDM-R balance, we offer a variety of options, including
- Bank Wire
- Credit Card (Coming Soon!)
- Western Union (Coming Soon!)
How can I withdraw from my HD-Money account?
You can withdraw funds from your HDM balance using a third party exchanger on our merchants list page.
If you wish to withdraw from your HDM-R balance, we offer a large variety of options, including
- Bank Wire
- Money Order
- Direct Deposit (Canada Only)
- Credit Card (Coming soon!)
- Prepaid Visa Debit Card (Coming soon!)
How do I initiate a dispute?
If you have sent an HDM-R payment to an individual or a merchant, and would like to file a dispute, this can be done easily from within your account. Click on Dispute Resolution to access your dispute resolution center. In the drop down menu, select the payment you would like to dispute, and provide all relevant information. Note: The cost of filing a dispute is $5.
Sign Up a free HD-Money account